revista helisul

She is multifunctional, loves to study and has shooting and skating as a hobby.

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Aviation has been part of the life of the IT project engineer at Helisul Caroline Tetto, Carol Tetto, since she was born. Her father, Mario Tetto Sobrinho, was an airplane pilot and is an old friend of Commander Eloy. Both even shared the work on some projects and Sobrinho was a pilot at the time of Helisul Linhas Aéreas S/A and its Bandeirante airplane models.

But the entire legacy of the Tetto family within aviation began with Carol’s grandfather, the pilot Hugo Tetto. He had an air taxi and was also a pilot for the government of Paraná. The coexistence and experiences with aviation led Carol to train in Aeronautical Sciences at Universidade Tuituti do Paraná (UTP), in Curitiba.

“I always liked the aviation area, then I started working at Anac, as an intern. And, at Helisul, I joined in 2005. I was completing my first training”, says Carol.

At the helicopter operator, the newly hired employee took the position of assistant in the Technical Maintenance Control (CTM) department. A few years later, an already experienced professional was promoted to the position of CTM coordinator. Since Carol loves studying and loves aviation, she didn’t stop there. She also trained as a commercial pilot.

But it was still little. She then studied Electrical Engineering and, due to her new knowledge, she has been working as an IT project engineer at Helisul since 2018. “I receive the demands of the teams, I see the processes they carry out and I develop improvements to the systems. We also do training and solve problems that may occur in the systems”, says the electrical engineer.

Witness of a journey of growth

With a 17-year career at Helisul, Carol has witnessed many changes and part of an important journey towards the company’s growth, of which she is very proud. “What impresses me the most are the changes that we have had in recent years and the evolution, the growth of the company.”

According to the employee, she was and is part of a trajectory that had a great and positive impact on all her co-workers who are older and have followed everything closely. “It is as if we were part of a bigger dream. When we joined, the company was much smaller. And, now, we see that it is attracting more people”, she celebrates.

Carol highlights, among so many developments, the inclusion of more women in the Helisul team with each passing year. “When I joined, we only had one hangar at Bacacheri and I think there were four women in total, the market was very restricted. I have no idea how many we are today, but there are definitely more than 30. There are many more women now and that is part of the growth.”

Eater of knowledge

As we already know, Carol is a knowledge hog. However, not only for her own consumption, but also to contribute to the work she develops today within Helisul. For this reason, the electrical engineer is also a graduate in occupational safety engineering.

She says that she sought specialization to be able to better support the implementation of the software project aimed at the area of work safety, which began to be used in 2021. And she already notices the advances from last year to here. “Every part of e-Social is already sent via the system, before it was all manual.”

But do you think it stopped there? Na, na, ni, na, no! At the moment, Carol is studying a new graduate course, now in the area of software engineering. “To upgrade your career,” she says.

“I really like studying and I intend to never stop”, she adds. Now, Carol only thinks about completing the new course, but she can expect that soon she will come up with a new idea about what her next endeavor will be.

Skating and target shooting as a hobby

Practically next door to Bacacheri Airport, Carol is married and the “mother” of a Yorkshire breed dog. Her name is Cleo and she is four years old. When she’s not working or studying, Carol enjoys walking or skating in the park.

She is also a member of a shooting club. “I like to practice target practice at least once a month,” she says. Her passion for aviation and shooting might lead us to believe that, in fact, Carol has a thing for everything related to the military. But not so much.

Spoke of Navy, she dodges. From the maritime area, she really likes to contemplate the sea and enjoy the sun. “Just to enjoy a beach.”

