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Helisul Aviação has a new director of operations. Award-winning aviator Marcelo Guerrante has just taken over. Airline pilot and commercial helicopter pilot, the professional has almost 14 years of dedication to the federal public service, as a specialist in Civil Aviation Regulation of the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), contributing to a safer activity in the sector and efficient. Since 2008, he has served as a flight/operations inspector.

Throughout his career, Guerrante has held executive positions of strategic prominence within the Regulatory Agency, having worked on the development of various normative instruments within the regulatory context, with emphasis on his role as project leader for RBAC 90, IS 119-003, Flight Inspector Training Program, member of the group that created the Simple Flight Program and Provisional Measure 1,089/2021, with structuring changes to the Brazilian Aeronautics Code (Law 7,565/88).

Guerrante holds a postgraduate degree in Safety and Continued Airworthiness from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) and in Civil Aviation Regulation and Safety Management Program from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University – ERAU. Throughout his profession, he received several decorations. He was the first Brazilian to be awarded the Safety Award by the Airbone Public Safety Association –APSA in the United States.

The aviator also received the Marechal-do-Air Casimiro Montenegro medal, awarded by the Integrated Air Operations Center of the State of Ceará (CIOPAER/CE), and Dom Pedro II, by the Military Fire Brigade of the Federal District (CBMDF).
