revista helisul

Luís Cravo is the new maintenance and FBO commercial director at Helisul

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Executive Luís Cravo has just taken over as commercial director of the maintenance and FBO (Fixed Base Operator) area at Helisul, in Curitiba. The mechanical engineer has more than 30 years of experience in the aviation segment.

With vast experience in quality and operational safety, he began his career in 1986, having worked at companies in the aeronautical maintenance area and, in the last 12 years, in the commercial sector.

Cravo went through renowned companies, all of them located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, his homeland. Among which: Varig Airlines, General Electric Aviation and Safran Group. In the latter, he served for almost 18 years, distributed among director positions in the areas of quality and operational safety, global customer support and marketing, sales and customer support.

Helisul’s new commercial director arrived in Curitiba from Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of 2022 and took over the role on February 14th, at the company’s headquarters, located at Bacacheri Airport.
